
El buen diseño es una herramienta estratégica y tiene que ver con innovar, con aprender del pasado, imaginar el futuro y plasmarlo desde el presente.

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Lunes - Viernes 8 AM - 8 PM



MANUEL TORRES DESIGN presents its report on trends in interior design that we will see this 2014 prepared by the studio’s coolhunting department. It is the time to begin our task of raising and investigating the new trends with which we will work on our new projects.

For this year, the trends that arise in the design of interiors will make our interior spaces with contrates, elegant and innovative. The organic design, the tecnonomadismo and the vanguard design will be key concepts for this 2014.

The emulation of nature as an inexhaustible source of future designs.

The human being has always sought inspiration in nature. Most designs and technologies that we use today are susceptible to being equated with natural strategies, all the problems we try to solve have already been solved by nature during millions of years of evolution.

The design inspired by nature attracts the viewer to observe and understand this inspiring effect of nature, which can result in future more attractive, effective and sustainable designs.

The organic design moves away from conventionalism to approach a sculptural work, which provides an intense aesthetic torrent. It seeks to free the form and eliminate all the superfluous to give way to a simple design and captivating forms.

A humanizing approach to design, interconnection and the spirit of nature are the basis, the soft and sinuous curves against geometry and line.

Technological innovations connect the home with the city, blurring the line of what was understood as private and as public. Work is increasingly important in the domestic environment and the spaces of the home have to be prepared to assume these new functions.

Be it by means of sensual tactile surfaces, light, elegant and intelligent televisions, or graphic screens waiting for our instructions, the means to control our home become central elements of the design. And its materials, proportions and the ergonomic pleasure of its use, in an end in itself.

The incorporation of technology to design is a solid trend called to stay with us. It is not the fleeting fashion that incorporated it in the 70s and 80s. The care in the appearance, the materials and the ergonomics of the technology gives a titular role in the design.

The avant-garde is something new that escapes the dominant trend and could lay the foundations for future development; it supposes a renewal of forms and contents.

The avant-garde style supposes modernity, technology and above all comfort in the home, with ample and luminous spaces, simple lines and simple forms.

Being part of the expression of a great novelty with an idea of ​​progress. That is why the avant-garde design will at all times seek to give importance to an innovative concept.

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